The protagonist is faced with a dilemma of trying to overcome his addiction to smoking. Though he is determined to throw the habit, he suffers from withdrawal and we can see that despite trying to keep himself busy with everyday tasks, his addiction keeps a nagging feeling in his mind. Addiction in this piece is seen a physical embodiment of a person, watching over our character as they strive to quit. Addiction gets closer and closer to our character as the reliance on a cigarette increases. Addiction is smug and satisfied when the protagonist crumbles and gives into his need to smoke. the story is linear and tracks the progress of the protagonist through his day, following his attempts to quit.
Social Realism Gothic style piece (uses techniques of thriller suspense but equally simply paints a picture of how addiction is a problem for ordinary people).
18-25 (outside of main core audience as it is more experimental).
Links to existing texts
Trainspotting (Renton trying to quit heroin was a big influence on this)
Fight Club (Addiction as an alternate persona to our protagonist, like Tyler is to Cornelius)
La Haine (extended shots to reflect nothing is happening but simultaneously reflecting their significance and also potentially a cut to black time code narrative device).
Shoreham town and also the interior of a house also in Shoreham
Health and Safety Considerations
The smokers in the film are willing and committed to smoke for the role, no one is being pressured into smoking. There are no other risks within locations and no other problems.
Addiction will be dressed in smart attire, white shirt, black tie, black trousers etc. however will look haggard and rough, the shirt un-tucked, the tie hanging low etc. The protagonist will be in casual attire, no real costume is needed, potentially informal gear, tracksuit. Running gear as well, for the main character. Props are cigarettes.
Organization of Actors
Ryan - Protagonist
Ewan (friend) - Addiction
Jake - Smoking man
More smoking extras undecided
Lighting Decisions
Rely heavily on natural lighting as we want to reflect a sense of realism from the piece. It is a real problem faced by many and we don't want to make it seem too artificial.
Sound design
As the piece is unscripted and with no vocabulary down, we will rely heavily on a sound track and maybe a foley of breathing to indicate the breathing in of a cigarette. Music is as of yet undecided however songs by composer Ludivico Einaudi might capture the moment well and reflect the aggravation the protagonist is going through.
Shooting schedule
5th March Sunday
10,11,12 March
I still can't read the storyboard without getting a crick in my neck.... Can you give me a paper version too? The comments about style are promising - and I think there are certainly hints of Trainspotting and Fight Club here. The synopsis certainly has potential, though you need to say how the film ends (this is crucial for short films). I also need to see some short film research from you as stated in the planning documents. This is vital as the short film form must influence your narrative choices. Look at examples on vimeo, virgin shorts, oscar or bafta award winning etc and notice narrative, character development, themes and style. Using vimeo you can search using genre. You will need to be discussing how you have used the short film format in your reflective analysis, so that research needs to be done now. Get some evidence that you understand the form on the blog by the end of this coming weekend.